As the temperature rises, the demand for air conditioning units rises as well. But, at this time if your split system air conditioner stops functioning, then these easy troubleshooting tips can help you fix the problem.
1. Air Condenser Does Not Work
If your air condenser is not running, then check the power outlet and be sure that the unit is plugged in. Another common reason for this breakdown is the thermostat not functioning properly. You can simply solve this problem by adjusting the thermostat and then switching on the system.
2. Air Cooling Is Not Adequate
Inadequate air cooling might be the result of dirty evaporator. Clean the evaporator carefully and allow it to run for few hours. This will improve the flow of air and thus help in getting your room colder then the outside temperature.
3. Air Unit Does Not Cool
If due to some reason your split system air conditioner is not cooling your home though its running, then checking the thermostat will be a great idea. You can also check the condenser to see if any dirt is blocked. Cleaning the condenser on a regular basis will help you to solve the problem
4. The Air Unit Shuts Off Repeatedly
Repeated shutting down of your air conditioning system may occur due to dirty condenser as well as evaporator. So, ensuring that your whole unit undergoes periodical cleaning helps to eliminate the problems and offer you a smooth running of your system.
Considering these useful tips for split AC troubleshooting will help you to maintain it efficient for a long time. For further information contact Kyabram Refrigeration at 0358 521212 or simply fill out the contact us form on our website so that we can get back to you as soon as possible.